IMPORTANT: If you do not complete the steps below by 9/30/24 you will lose your grandfathered/discounted rates forever.
This process does not require you to stay on your current plan. This will allow you the opportunity to upgrade or downgrade based on your useage into any grandfathered rate. Your membership benefits will work at our current Centennial location plus our Lafayette location opening in September. It will also work at our Ft. Collins location expected to open in December.
1. To begin, open the "Finish creating your DRS account" email you received earlier today verify your email address and set up your password.
2. Go to this website - https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=5739095&stype=-98
3. Click "Sign In" at the top right corner
4. Use your email and password to log in.
5. Once logged in, navigate to "Memberships and More" tab.
6. Click "Memberships" sub tab.
7. You may choose any grandfathered "Transfer" membership rate and keep it through 2025 with the exception of the AM membership. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THE NEW MEMBERSHIP NAMES
Only grandfathered members may keep old pricing and must select one of the "TRANSFER" memberships offered when signing up for the new contract. These "TRANSFER" memberships have old pricing and are not visible to new members. As mentioned, you'll get the first billing period for free, whether it's a month or a year and you'll be locked into the old pricing until 2026 when the terms will expire.
8. Some AM members were at $20/month, these memberships have expired but the $30 option is still available which still saves you $10/month over new pricing.
9. Once you've chosen your membership and checked out, you may navigate to the "Book Sim Time" tab and click on the appointment type that correlates with your membership tier to book member sessions or use this new website!
Thank you for being a member of DRS and supporting our club and please give me a call if you have any issues!
Andrew Woodward
Breakdown of Old vs New Membership names:
If you were Novice, the equivalent plan is called Casual.
If you were Rookie, the equivalent plan is called Casual+.
If you were Am, the equivalent plan is called Enthusiast.
If you were Pro, the equivalent plan is called Enthusiast+.
If you were Elite, the equivalent plan is called Enthusiast+ UNLOCKED.
Pick any plan you'd like. You do not have to keep the same plan you were on. You may UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE your plan and lock in that pricing tier.
Only grandfathered members may keep old pricing and must select one of the "TRANSFER" memberships offered when signing up for the new contract. These "TRANSFER" memberships have old pricing and are not visible to new members. As mentioned, you'll get the first billing period for free, whether it's a month or a year and you'll be locked into the old pricing until 2026 when the terms will expire.
Which plan is right for you?
I named the new plans to directly correlate with visit frequency.
Casual memberships are perfect for those who visit a few times per year for fun or to watch the races with the club.
Enthusiast memberships are perfect for those who visit monthly or weekly for sim time and to set aside time for yourself or with friends on a regular basis. This is also perfect for those wanting in on real driving opportunities via DRS Premium Events. These events are invite only to monthly plan holders and provide great value for those who want to get behind the wheel of a real car on track.
Unlocked memberships are perfect for those who can only come in before or after regular hours and enjoy the freedom of having their own access code to the DRS clubhouses in Centennial and soon-to-be Lafayette locations. This is a $30/monthly add-on to either Enthusiast plan.